The Virginia State Parks Employee Benevolence Association raises funds in a variety of ways. Merchandise purchases and donations are a couple of examples of how we raise funds. But the most enjoyable way to support the organization is by participating in our fundraising activities.

Each fall, the VSPEBA sponsors a fishing tournament at a Virginia State Park. This is a great way to spend time with co-workers, alumni, family and friends without the pressures of being at work. The fishing tournament, and associated prize drawing, is the largest fundraiser for the association. In 2020 the tournament went virtual and promoted the theme of “any fish, anywhere”. Categories for the fishing tournament include both saltwater and freshwater species. Whether you like to fish, or just like to socialize, you are encouraged to participate in the annual fishing tournament.
Fun fundraising events typically occur throughout the year at State Park corporate gatherings. Whether it be corn hole tournaments, 5K run/walk events, special dinners or one of a kind merchandise sales like the Ranger Recipes Cookbook or Conservation Officer T-shirt sales, stay on the lookout for how you can support the VSPEBA by participating in one of these special events.

As a completely volunteer run organization we are always looking for additional assistance. Volunteering for general operational tasks, helping to organize a fundraising event, or donating items for the annual prize drawing are just a few ways that we could use your help. If you are interested in donating your time or talents to the Rangers Helping Rangers effort please contact one of the VSPEBA board members.