
Over 25 years of Rangers Helping Rangers
VSPEBA began humbly in the fall of 1996; a silent and live auction was held at an after-hours social for the Fall Park Managers’ Meeting. The resulting $500 raised was donated to a fellow park ranger suffering with severe health problems who had exhausted much of his reserve resources. Periodically, fundraising requests circulated as needs arose that finally led to the establishment of a standing resource: The Virginia State Park Employee Benevolence Association.
Michael Such
Assistant Park Manager
Westmoreland State Park
In Fall 2022, while on vacation in North Carolina, my son was born 3 months early. During this difficult time, my family faced not only medical and emotional challenges but also financial. Thanks to the VSPEBA and the outpouring of donations and encouragement from other Rangers, my family did not have to face the added financial burden of paying for the long term AirBnB we stayed at during my son’s time in the hospital in North Carolina. We truly felt the support of Virginia State Parks behind us, and it was humbling to experience how much Rangers truly care about each other.
I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude for the thoughtfulness extended by the association . . . I continue to be amazed with the positive work atmosphere the state displays toward all employees. It is truly a pleasure to be a part of this wonderful group . . . I can’t express enough how grateful I am for your thoughts and generosity.
Tom Giffin
Administrative & Office Specialist
Fairy Stone State Park
Barbara Kolbus
Administrative & Office Specialist
Chippokes State Park
Thank you! For your loving heart and your helping hands. The money is greatly appreciated and shows you care about your employees . . . and that is priceless!
In November 2011, I was struck by an illness that resulted in me spending a month in the hospital . . . During that time I was unable to work and quickly depleted my “rainy day” fund . . . Upon my return to work I was surprised by the generous and kind assistance I received from the Virginia State Park Employee Benevolence Association. With their assistance I was able to stay on track with my expenses and needs while I finished recovering at home. Their generosity played a major part in my path to recovery!
Ron Blankenship
Visitor Services Support Coordinator
State Parks Headquarters
Clark Jones
Pocahontas State Park Mtn Bike Trails Coordinator
The mission statement of VSPEBA is quite simple; “Rangers helping Rangers” and in June of 2022 I was the recipient of just that. An unanticipated check arrived from VSPEBA shortly after my accident that alleviated some of the financial strain of being out of work. I am most grateful for the support shown to me by VSPEBA and their continued support of all VSP employees. Thank You.